熱心に取り掛かる 1の英語
- 1. knuckle down
2. pick up the broom 熱心に取り掛かる 2
1. buckle down to
2. buckle to〔~に〕 熱心に取り掛かる 3
sit down to〔仕事などに〕
~に取り掛かる: get cracking on
仕事に取り掛かる 1: 1. approach a task 2. begin on a job 3. enter upon a task 4. get busy 5. get down to business 6. get down to work 7. get on the job 8. get on the stick 9. get started on one's work 10. get to busine
真剣に取り掛かる 1: knuckle down 真剣に取り掛かる 2 set oneself seriously to〔~に〕
彼は熱心に仕事に取り掛かった: He went at his work in earnest.
取り掛かる 1: 1. get rolling 2. go ahead 3. kick it 4. shake the lead out (of one's pants) 5. take action 取り掛かる 2 【自動】 1. plow 2. proceed 3. roll 取り掛かる 3 1. come on to 2. come to 3. get [go, set] to work on 4
すぐに取り掛かる: 1. get busy 2. get right on it〔it は「やるべきこと」を形式的に表している〕
すぐに~に取り掛かる: cut to
やっと~に取り掛かる: 1. come round to 2. get around to
代案に取り掛かる: turn to alternatives to〔~するため〕
作業に取り掛かる: set to labor on〔~の〕
修理に取り掛かる: go at fixing
問題に取り掛かる: work around
実験に取り掛かる: undertake an experiment
家事に取り掛かる: go about one's household duties
宿題に取り掛かる: start working on one's homework